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TKL - Dracaena Surculosa (Milky Way/Gold Dust/Spotted) 星点木/星虎斑木/星点千年木

TKL - Dracaena Surculosa (Milky Way/Gold Dust/Spotted) 星点木/星虎斑木/星点千年木

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Common Name: Japanese Bamboo
Description: This slow-growing evergreen plant is typically grown as a house plant for its stunning variegated foliage and tropical look. Thin branches produce leaves that are dark green with spots of cream. New leaves appear as tightly rolled cones. Trim old stems occasionally to rejuvenate growth and to keep the plant at the desired height.
Benefits:Add visual impact to the environment, air purifying
Care Guide:
Watering: As this species requires good levels of light, its soil will dry out rather quickly. Aim to water once the top third dries out, preventing the risk of dehydration.
Sunlight: Gentle exposure to the sun will not only reduce the risk of over-watering, but it'll also maintain the colourful variegations of its foliage. Due to its intolerance to low light.
Placement: office table, window side, balcony

描述 :星点木为百合科龙血树属的常绿灌木,原产于热带地区。因叶片上有星星点点的乳黄或乳白色的小斑点混杂,看起来斑驳亮丽,故名星点木。星点木为常绿木本植物,由基部长出数支干茎,细而挺拔。叶片椭圆形,中肋具有一条乳白色的斑带,斑带两面侧浓绿色的叶面上镶有许多大小不规则的乳白色的斑点,叶片微带蜡质。星点木是比较独特的观叶植物,枝条纤细,在灯光的照射下,繁星点点的叶片非常明艳夺目,是非常适合水养的花卉品种。用于点缀客厅、窗台、装饰柜、花架及茶几。
* Shipping Info*
1. All items are readystock based & will proceed within 2 working days.
2. EAST MALAYSIA ORDERS: We DO NOT responsible for any risks happen such as parcel loss & damage, plant dead, shipping delay, custom clearance etc.
东马区下单前须知: 各种包裹损失/遗失,植物死亡,物流延迟,卡关等我们一律不负责。
3. We will responsible for a new replacement plant if received plant dead only if shipment period within 4 days for West Malaysia & postage charge have to pay by buyer.
若包裹在 4工作日内收到植物死亡,我们将会负责(只限西马),买家需自付邮费。
4. It is normal when the color of the plants look fade and leaves fall during transit as they’d been keep in boxes for few days. Once items received, provide your plants with light, water & good airflow and will recover to their beauty.
5. Please understand that real plants are under non-claimable category in Shopee, buyer have to take own risk if plants died/damaged due to delivery delay. We ship on time as mentioned & NO refund will be made.
Thank you for shopping with us! Have a nice day.

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  • For East Malaysia Only
  • Bukit Pasir Store Pick up
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  • Bank Transfer - Public Bank
  • FPX (SL Payments)
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