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TKL - Anthurium Arrow 女王花烛

TKL - Anthurium Arrow 女王花烛

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Common Name: Anthurium Arrow
Description: Anthurium Arrow is a hard to find Aroid. It makes a great and unusual houseplant with its gorgeous elongated leaves and tangley white roots. This is usually grown for cut flowers, where the unusual leaves make a great contrast to the flowers in bouquet but here we are selling the plant which we think is beautiful.
Function: Attractive leaves.
Care Guide:
Watering: Make sure to water anthurium plant regularly, but don’t over water. Only water anthurium when the soil is dry to the touch. The plant is susceptible to root rot, so too much water can cause the roots to die.
Sunlight: Anthurium plants can tolerate all levels of indirect light, but anthuriums growing in low light will have fewer flowers and will grow slower. These plants cannot tolerate direct light however, as this can burn the leaves. They grow best in bright, indirect light.
Placement: balcony, kitchen, window side, dining room, table
描述: 适合盆栽、切花或庭园荫蔽处丛植美化。
* Shipping Info*
1. All items are readystock based & will proceed within 2 working days.
2. EAST MALAYSIA ORDERS: Kindly select ‘Poslaju’ as shipping option. We DO NOT responsible for any risks happen such as parcel loss & damage, plant dead, shipping delay, custom clearance etc.
东马区下单前须知: 只可以用 Poslaju各种包裹损失/遗失,植物死亡,物流延迟,卡关等我们一律不负责。
3. We will responsible for a new replacement plant if received plant dead only if shipment period within 4 days for West Malaysia & postage charge have to pay by buyer.
若包裹在 4工作日内收到植物死亡,我们将会负责(只限西马),买家需自付邮费。
4. It is normal when the color of the plants looks fade and leaves fall during transit as they’d been kept in boxes for few days. Once items received, provide your plants with light, water & good airflow and will recover to their beauty.
5. Please understand that real plants are under non-claimable category, buyer have to take own risk if plants died/damaged due to delivery delay. We ship on time as mentioned & NO refund will be made.
Thank you for shopping with us! Have a nice day.

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Delivery Options

  • For East Malaysia Only
  • Bukit Pasir Store Pick up
  • J&T Express (For West Msia Only)
  • PosLaju (For West Msia)

Payment Options

  • Bank Transfer - Public Bank
  • FPX (SL Payments)
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